Jean Baptiste HARELIMANA | President

Dr. Jean-Baptiste HARELIMANA is an international lawyer with specialist expertise in international human rights law and human rights and international business policy, International Economic Law, International Cultural Law and Sustainable Development.
He is a strong advocate for the improvement and modernization of African laws who is often consulted to draft and advise on African Union law and regional organizations.
Over the years, he has not only demonstrated an interest in development of arbitration in Africa, assisted a number of African Governments with the creation of their arbitration legal framework but is also involved in investment negotiations in different African countries and economic organizations.
He concentrates his practice on international law, international litigation and arbitration matters and frequently represents governments, international organizations and private clients on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious public international law.
He has published numerous articles in various publications notably in “Un demi-siècle africain au CIRDI : regards rétrospectifs et prospectifs, 2019 (co-editor).”
Mamadou Ismaël KONATÉ | Vice - President

Mamadou Ismaël KONATE isAttorney at Law, arbitrator and former Malian Minister of Justice..
He started his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers before creating his own firm in Bamako, Jurifis Consult, in 1998.
He advises on the structuring of investments between multinationals and States. He has also built a strong practice advising on crisis prevention and management, particularly in the context of large investment projects in the natural resources and energy sectors in Africa.
He is involved in OHADA law and has published communications on the matter.
Konate’s practice focuses on international trade and investment arbitration where he regularly acts as counsel in disputes arising under all major rules (in particular ICC, LCIA, ICSID, Swiss Rules, UNCITRAL) as well as in ad hoc proceedings. Konaté has also served as an arbitrator on several occasions
Mutoy MUBIALA | Vice - President

Mutoy MUBIALA is a Specialist of human rights and has been working as a Human Rights Officer with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in Geneva, since 1994, after having been an assistant in international law and international organizations at the University of Kinshasa (1986-1988) and then at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (19921994).
Among its members, it was particularly involved in the establishment of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa in Yaoundé. He holds a Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland. He has served several UN Commissions of Inquiry. has more than 25 years of experience in multiple jurisdictions in relation to capacity building and technical assistance programs at practitioner, strategic and policy levels.
He has also built a strong practice on business and human rights issues and sustainable investment, advising on these topics in Africa. Mubiala has continued to teach international law, international civil service law, as well as human rights in prestigious programs and schools, such as the International Institute for Human Rights (Strasbourg) or the École nationale d’administration (Paris). Mr. Mubiala is also the author of five books and about sixty articles. His expertise is in public international law, and, international human rights and international criminal and humanitarian law. However, it is probably in the field of international courts and tribunals where he has made to date the greatest contribution, publishing numerous articles and books. He has as a particular interest in the area of international law– including: boundary disputes, international investment disputes and international energy law.
Blaise TCHIKAYA | Vice – President, In Charge relations with AU and international juridictions

Blaise TCKIKAYA is a Judge at the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
He is a former President and Member of the African Union International Law Commission,
Blaise Tchikaya is a Professor and Senior Lecturer in international public law, international litigation procedures and human rights in the Inter-American system and in African Union laws in various European, Caribbean and African Universities.
Justice Tchikaya is author of many articles in international public law.
He has published many books, including International Law Jurisprudence 1922 – 2015, which is currently in its seventh edition.
He also published, in 2004, a reference book on the African Union entitled “African Union Law: Principles, Institutions and Jurisprudence”.
Christophe BOUBA | Treasurer

Christophe BOUBA is a redactor at the French Council of State .
He works with diverse stakeholders : decision-makers at various levels. He has been working as Rapporteur at The National Court of asylum rights (CNDA) after having been an administrative and financial manager at Paris Dauphine university.
He brings a diverse background in political science and law, with an emphasis on issues of human rights and international relations.
His past experience includes research, planning and integrated assessment and documentaries, as well as providing reporting and writing for various jurisdictions
Christophe has an academic background in political science and law. He holds a Master’s degree in political science with focus on international and public affairs from Paris Dauphine university.In addition he also holds a master international relations from Jean Moulin Lyon III University and an LL.M. degree from Lyon Catholic Universitys.
Mahamoud SIDIBE | Secretary

Mahamoud SIDIBE is a senior international lawyer and president of the International law commission of Bobigny Bar Association, with over 10 years of legal consultancy experience.
He received his LLB from the University of Paris – Nanterre.
Sidibe has a particular interest in the area of international law and dispute resolution – including: boundary disputes, international holds a Ph.D. and an LL.M. from University of Paris X-Nanterre. His thesis (in French) is entitled : Intervention before the International Court of Justice.
His advisory services have involved the issues of the law of the sea and maritime boundary delimitation, international environmental law and transboundary harm, dispute settlement procedures before international courts and tribunals, the law of treaties, state and international organizations responsibility, international economic sanctions (UN, US, EU), state immunity.
Jean Didier BOUKOUNGOU | Academic Director

Jean Didier Boukongou, Professor of public international law at the catholic University of Yaoundé and Director of peace and human rights academy in central Africa.
His areas of expertise include international litigation, international investment law, business and human rights as well as sustainable development.
Boukongou has written on a wide range of topics in these areas and edited a series of books.
In his extra-university practice, he intervenes as arbitrator.
He has a particular interest in the area of international law and dispute resolution – including: boundary disputes, international investment disputes and international energy law.
Jean-François AKANDJI-KOMBÉ | Strategy Director

Jean-François Akandji-Kombé, Aggregate Professor of public law at Sorbonne Law School (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Former dean of the Law School at Caen university, he is a Specialist in international social Law, international human rights, Business law, International Contract Law, business and human rights as well as sustainable development.
Jean Francois has written on a wide range of topics in these areas and edited a series of books.
He is a regular speaker at conferences and participates in many seminars in universities, both in France and abroad.
He regularly acts as a consultant on investment law for a number of EU based international consulting companies with a focus on major projects in Africa.
Cisse YACOUBA | Section Coordinator

Dr. Cissé Yacouba is Assistant Professor of Law and Consults on maritime boundaries delimitation matters. As an academic, he has published widely on the Law of the Sea/Maritime Law and taught International Public Law and the law of the Sea at the Law Faculty of the University of Ottawa, Canada for almost ten years. He holds an Public law and an Public Law from the National University of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. His degrees include a Master of Sciences in Marine Affairs from the University of Rimouski, Québec and a Law from the University of Ottawa. He serves as legal adviser for Côte d’Ivoire delegation to the Legal Committee (Sixth Committee) of the United Nations in New York. He has published a book on African maritime boundaries and a number of articles dealing with the law of the sea, mainly maritime boundary delimitation, marine environmental law, and commercial maritime law. He has also served as researcher and legal adviser for the Government of New Zealand regarding its maritime boundary delimitation with Australia, and was involved, in the same capacity, in the case concerning maritime boundary delimitation between two Canadian Provinces Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia.
Catherine MAIA | Research Coordinator

Ms. Catherine Maia is a professor of law at Lusófona University in Porto, Portugal. In addition, she also teaches in various other institutions both in France, notably at Sciences Po Paris and in Lebanon, and is a researcher at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Switzerland). As a consultant, she has brought her expertise in international law to international organizations, diplomatic missions and law firms. Author of several publications on the protection of human rights and public international law in general, her latest books have focused on The international status of the Angolan province of Cabinda (2015) and The contribution of Africa to international criminal justice (2018).
Nahed BENZOURA | Director Partnerships,events and protocole

Nahed BENZOURA worked for over eight years in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy and specialized in economic affairs, exercising various functions of analyst and consultant in international economic relations.
Graduated from Sciences Po Paris in International Affairs, she is a specialist in policies and development management for Africa. She intervened regularly with large companies in which she allows everyone to understand the business environment in Africa and how to decipher with a realistic look at the challenges of the world of business.
A trained Lawyer, graduated with a Master 1 in International Law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Master 2 in International Economic Relations Law from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP), Nahed BENZOURA devoted herself to the study of African regional integration and the evaluation of public development policies in order to achieve the goal it sets for itself: investing in the development of Africa and in its dialogue with Europe and the Mediterranean.
Yves OLLIVIER | Program Manager Central Africa

Yves OLLIVIER is experienced Legal Advisor with a demonstrated history of working in the Africa. Strong legal professional skilled in International Environmental Law, International Law, Water Law, Cultural Heritage Law, and International Relation. both in the pre-litigation phase by assisting States and economic players during bilateral interstate negotiations, and in the dispute phase by representing them before international tribunals. He also has recognised expertise in employment law matters and assists a number of companies in their human resources management and on complex compliance issues. He also assists foreign clients on their investment projects in sub-Saharan Africa, and over recent years has been involved in a number of major acquisition and investment projects; Yves is graduated from the University of Caen (Basse-Normandie, France) and University of Bordeaux.
Hajer GUELDICH | Special Counsel

Hajer GUELDICH is a Professor of public international law at Carthage university and a Member of the African Union International Law Commission.
She has over 15 years of experience working with governments and international organizations on the development of international law.
She has extensive legal, policy and training experience in the area of international criminal law, sustainable development, human rights, international and environmental law.
she has published a number of papers and presented at conferences across the world on a wide variety of issues.
Furthermore, her practitioner capability allows her to provide up to date subject matter expertise, evaluations, needs analyses and assessments at various levels.