Save the Date – UNCITRAL Days project in Africa! – May 27, 2022

In the autumn and winter of each year, the UNCITRAL Secretariat has been co-hosting the UNCITRAL Day, a
series of events with universities, other institutions of higher learning and public agencies in Asia and the
Pacific and in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The events celebrate the establishment of UNCITRAL – the United Nations Commission on International Trade
Law – as a UN agency with a worldwide remit to harmonise international commercial law, to facilitate
international commerce and support economic and social development.

UNCITRAL together with its partners is now pleased to announce the launch of the UNCITRAL Days project in Africa!

Join us :

– To hear a message to future leaders in international trade law, from the UNCITRAL Chairman, H.E. Mr. Philbert Abaka Johnson

– To learn about UNCITRAL’s engagement in Africa and the relevance of UNCITRAL in the African context from regional and international organizations, universities and the UNCITRAL Secretariat


– To learn how universities can take part in UNCITRAL Days in Africa, and what they and their students can derive from the events

Click here for more

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